Spanish course in Haarlem


Español Universal Spanish lessons in Haarlem

Always wanted to learn Spanish? At Español Universal you have come to the right place for Spanish lessons in Haarlem at various levels.

Español Universal Spanish course in Haarlem

Español Universal provides Spanish lessons in Haarlem.
However, all lovers of the Spanish language and culture from Amsterdam, Hoofddorp, Heemstede, Aerdenhout, Overveen, Bloemendaal, Santpoort Noord, Velsen, Velserbroek, Spaarndam and surrounding areas can also come to our class location in Haarlem.
New Spanish courses begin the week of April 22, 2024.

Spanish manners and culture are an essential part of Spanish courses

With us you will learn Spanish under the guidance of enthusiastic, experienced and qualified native teachers, because after all, real Spanish is best learned from a native speaker of the Spanish language who is also fluent in Dutch. You will speak Spanish on your own from the first lesson.

Español Universal not only teaches Spanish in an effective and fun way, but also gives students the confidence and ease to make themselves understood in this beautiful third world language. Grammar is not the goal, but only an aid to language learning.

Our Spanish Courses

Español Universal not only teaches Spanish classes in an effective and fun way,
but also gives students confidence and ease in making themselves understood in this beautiful third world language. Grammar is not the goal,but only an aid to
learning the language.

Comments from Students

FlorisApril 2023
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Learning Spanish had been on high on my list for a long time and also to do this at Débora. I had the last lesson of the beginner's course part 1 today. I have to say that I'm really a huge fan of Español Universal. You can of course fiddle around with all kinds of apps and home studies yourself to learn Spanish, but at Débora you really learn the basics really well which should be the foundation to really master the language. The fact that you use those apps in addition, of course, never hurts. And that learning a good foundation in Débora's Spanish class is not only very sensible, it is, above all, incredibly fun to do. The lessons are really nice and well put together and also I like that there is not so much pressure. It's not a big deal if you're not up to it yet, as long as you enjoy coming to class and doing (the little) homework you get. I signed up for the advanced course right away.
Thijs Evers
Thijs EversMarch 2021
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¡Hola Débora! Since 2013, I have walked several routes (Camino's) in Spain to Santiago de Compostella. This year I want to walk from home; from Heemstede to Santiago. On all my walks, I never got much further than "dos cervezas" or "un café solo, por favor." In short, high time to learn the Spanish language. Together with Christina and Miranda, we have had lessons from Débora every Monday morning since December 2020. It is hard work, yet also very relaxed and with a lot of humor. We are now 3-4 months along and talking and reading are already succeeding quite nicely. For those who want to learn the Spanish language, Débora is absolutely the right place! ¡Me gusta mucho la clase de español!
Miranda Tollenaar
Miranda TollenaarMarch 2021
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Started my 1st lesson -intensive Spanish- from Débora in real life in Haarlem at the end of last year. Then through the lock down continued with online classes. This worked out so well that we all bought our third curriculum. Débora is so adept at teaching online that we especially want to continue to master Spanish better. The secret? An enthusiastic and fanatical teacher who keeps the momentum going and keeps us on our toes every second. There is time for jokes and laughs and via the chat, the notepad and the screen sharing option, Débora easily conjures up examples and her explanations on the screen so that everything is easy to follow and you eagerly pick up the info to get started. Muchas gracias Débora for this good and fun time!
Marjo Soen
Marjo SoenAugust 2020
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I started taking Spanish classes exactly 2 years ago. I went back to Spain for the first time 2 years ago and fell in love with the country, the culture and the people. When a Spaniard in the elevator asked me what my dog's name was (while I assumed he was asking where I was from) and I spontaneously answered one of my few Spanish words I knew, enthusiastically, "Holanda"! My hilarity was great when he petted my doggie and called him Holanda.... ? we still call our dog Holanda on occasion. I did decide to take Spanish lessons right then upon returning home and ended up with Débora. She is very professional and I could never have dreamed that after 2 years of taking lessons I could already make myself understood in small conversations. That's exactly what I wanted: contact with Spanish people! I am still an enthusiastic student at Débora!
Maureen Pesch
Maureen PeschJuly 2017
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The many enthusiastic descriptions of the Spanish classes make it clear that it is a joy to attend Débora's classes. What can I add to that? It is very important is that you feel at home in class and that there can also be hard laughs from time to time. Débora pays attention to everyone and pays very close attention to the level of each individual. You don't have to be bored for a moment, our favorite teacher applies very varied teaching methods: classroom instruction, working in groups, making something independently, watching a movie, listening to different spoken texts and she regularly tells us about the customs and habits that are sometimes different in Spain than in Holland.